
Showing posts from March, 2017
Hello folks, Welcome to my new website, thank you so much for taking the time to visit our new site I hope you find it informative and simple to navigate whether you are looking to purchase a tour or just browsing. This is a big step for me and my new company as it allows us to have a more direct approach with regards to our tours and workshops. A little about the company... Being extremely passionate about travel, hiking and landscape photography I felt the time was right to set up the company after spending 6 years working as a plumber and 6 years in retail management I felt a change was needed. I found everyday I was becoming more and more frustrated being stuck inside day after day I knew I needed to do something... Queue my passion for travel, hiking and photography....For me it was simple, combine them and make a business out of it to create hiking tours, photography tours and sightseeing tours. I'm lucky enough to have the support of my...